The wall art pictured in the image above is a wonderful example of the advances we have made in “soft wallcoverings” at Creative Matters. Not only was this evocative textile made using 100% undyed Canadian wool, it was also fabricated by our own design team in our Toronto studio.
These pieces of wall art are made using the needle felting process - an age-old process with a wealth of artistry and creativity behind it. We now have the capacity and expertise to design and felt these smaller needle felt projects in-house.
Needle felting is the production of a textile that is made by matting, condensing and pressing fibres together. It excels at absorbing sound and adding textural warmth to a space, as well as a host of other benefits.
For the wall art featured at the top of this article, we worked with the Campaign for Wool, Canada to secure wool in both unwoven fleece and in woven yarn.
Ana and Rosa from the design team first created a background with the fleece.
Some of the fleece was carded to create less dense working material.
Ana used both dense fleece and carded fleece to create the trees.
Once all the wool was in place, Rosa used a special hand tool with multiple needles to lock the fibre in place.
Watch this video to see the needle felting process up close.
If you appreciate the artistry and creativity of needle felting as much as we do, please email to discuss how to include soft wallcoverings in your next project.