Narrative Threads Blog
Scroll through our Narrative Threads blog to enjoy behind-the-scenes insight on special projects for leading interior designers and architects.
Scroll through our Narrative Threads blog to enjoy behind-the-scenes insight on special projects for leading interior designers and architects.
We asked our designers for their favourite rugs - 8 designers, 8 very different choices. Reading though the reasons for their selections, we realize the criteria for a successful rug are endless.
Creative Matters will debut two new collections on September 19 at the New York International Carpet Show. While many architects and interior designers know us for our custom projects, we also offer an increasing selection of ready-designed pieces. With the new designs, we now have six collections to browse on our website and to purchase from our retailers.
Interested in discovering Carol Sebert's top design picks for this season? Check out her interview on Designer Insights on the Terrys Fabrics website.
The interior design opportunities of wall coverings have risen exponentially in the last 10 years. Due to new digital and printing technologies, what used to be "wallpaper" has opened up to a whole new world of different materials and printing techniques.
We continue to surprise our clients, and even ourselves, with the range and beauty of effects that can be created with the handtufted quality. We were particularly reminded of this when two of the artists from the Canada House project visited our studio in May.
Buy one of these framed originals and the full amount of your purchase will be donated to Nepal Aid, a fund established by Label STEP, the international non-profit organization committed to promoting fair trade in the rug industry.
The Rainbow Room atop the Rockefeller Centre in New York is one of those iconic places known to anyone who grew up with American culture - a formal supper club with panoramic views over Manhattan where celebrities and the influential mingled and danced on the rotating dance floor.
April 9 is the opening of the first art show exhibiting and selling the work we create during our Art Day process. All proceeds will go to Label STEP, our fair trade endorser.If you can't make the opening, the show continues until May 31.
In the latter half of February, CMI basked in the glow of international media attention for the 29 rugs it created for the refurbishment of Canada House in London. One of the most delightful comments came from Henrietta Thompson in the U.K.’s The Telegraph ...
In February 2015, we unveiled the 29 custom carpets we created for the Canadian High Commission in London from original artwork by Canadian artists. This short video is the story of just one of them…