Narrative Threads Blog
Scroll through our Narrative Threads blog to enjoy behind-the-scenes insight on special projects for leading interior designers and architects.
Scroll through our Narrative Threads blog to enjoy behind-the-scenes insight on special projects for leading interior designers and architects.
There are now 10 full collections and two smaller collections. Assembled over the last 14 years, they are a wellspring of Creative Matters’ techniques, sensibilities and ideas. How to make your way through what are now 79 designs? We asked Vice President Ana Cunningham - who has contributed to several of the collections - to guide us through them.
With the launch of our new website this week, we welcome the arrival of our first-ever Creative Matters online shop. Savvy consumers and rug investors will now be able to view and order a contemporary, handcrafted Creative Matters collection rug with a click of a mouse. Previously our collections were only available from select retailers, through an interior designer or very rarely from a pop-up store near our studio.
Frequently an interior calls for a rug in flattering neutral hues. For our designers, this can be just as challenging and exciting as a colourful project. The combinations of warm and cool tones are endless; the results are versatile, subtle and stylish.
We launched the Arctic Collection with five designs in late 2015 at the New York International Carpet Show. Meanwhile our artisans in Nepal and India were fervently knotting away in wool and silk so that we could present the second half of the collection at our January shows in Germany and France.
We've just released two new collections and now that every little design detail has been agonized over until perfection was achieved, here we are talking about how you can change these designs to meet the needs of your client.
We asked our designers for their favourite rugs - 8 designers, 8 very different choices. Reading though the reasons for their selections, we realize the criteria for a successful rug are endless.
Creative Matters will debut two new collections on September 19 at the New York International Carpet Show. While many architects and interior designers know us for our custom projects, we also offer an increasing selection of ready-designed pieces. With the new designs, we now have six collections to browse on our website and to purchase from our retailers.